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Goranna McDonald

Goranna McDonald

Brief Nudity
  • Keywords:
    Brief Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Large Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body
  • Nude Roles:

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Blonde Irish beauty Goranna McDonald has to date had a successful but very brief acting career. She got her debut as a character credited only as ‘Mysterious Woman 2’ in the ultra low budget Irish, British, and Danish co-production Shrooms (2007), a feature length comedy horror film about drugs, murder, and the Irish woods. After that, she landed a role on a more mainstream project—the lovably trashy and very sexy historical fiction series The Tudors—playing a character credited as ‘Veiled Woman #2’ alongside ‘Veiled Woman’ (played by Michele McGrath) who sports a veil over her face but nothing over her breasts in a sexy scene in which a king is about to have sex with a whole lot of gorgeous women. O, to be a king! McDonald, for her part, seems to have retired from the acting game, and we can only assume she’s holding out until she is offered some roles that don’t have the number 2 in them.

TV Shows

The Tudors
– as
Veiled Woman #2

2 Pics & 1 Clip
Nude, breasts Ep. 02×06 | 00:17:50 Michele and Goranna are topless among the many topless women banging the king in this clip!